Catholic Social Teaching
The Catholic Union Charitable Trust (CUCT) offers seminars and open discussions to showcase Catholic social action and Catholic social teaching, including education and moral responsibilities in today’s secular world. The Trust will build on the established provenance, capabilities and support of the existing Catholic Union membership, as well as developing partnerships with other interested bodies. The aim of the CUCT is to offer a Catholic response to current issues and so to promote the Common Good. The CUCT works closely with the Catholic Union of Great Britain in this work.
Catholic Union of Great Britain
The Catholic Union Charitable Trust funds much of the work undertaken by The Catholic Union of Great Britain (CUGB). Click below to learn more (you will leave this site).
We welcome all donations to help us offer Catholic social teachings in today’s increasingly secular world.
Contact Us
Catholic Union Charitable Trust
St Maximilian Kolbe House
63 Jeddo Road
W12 9EE
020 8749 1321